2/3 of pregnant women in Uganda do not receive recommended anti-malaria medication.
(World Health Organization, Malaria Report 2019)
The position for women in Ugandan society is one of powerlessness influenced by cultural biases that unjustly stall women’s career progression in public spaces, lack of qualifications and skills, and low self-confidence.
There are 90 deaths of children under five for every 1000 live births in Uganda.
Among children under 5, more than a third have stunted growth, and undernutrition contributes to 4 in 10 deaths.

MAAP Foundation partners with churches and community leaders who build and operate sustainable agricultural and farming businesses in Uganda. Funds from these businesses help support clinics, and progress is reported back to the MAAP Foundation.

Private clinics then use these proceeds to care for the poor in nearby villages. Patient outcomes are reported to MAAP Foundation.

Farming entrepreneurs can now get loans from local banks because they have proven business success. These business owners now support their families and clinics because of the investment from the MAAP Foundation.
The MAAP Foundation bridges the gap in the National healthcare system by giving healthcare access to the impoverished women of Uganda. National hospitals are few and far apart and need doctor referrals. Poor women can not get to these hospitals, so by default, charitable medical facilites are their only option. We exend the clinic’s ability to treat more patients.
Microfinance as a Solution
Microfinance is a way of life in Uganda. A universal struggle for survival drives a motivation for most people to produce something for sale to eat and survive. To start even the most simple enterprise, like growing tomatoes for sale, it takes a micro-small amount of money from a source in order to invest in seeds. Cultivating a crop is a viable means to pay back the initial investment source, and if the enterprise is successful, profits can hopefully expand and grow from the start-up.
Your Donation.
Their Miracle.
Every gift provides
healthcare, education and
self-confidence to
women and their families.