Please help The MAAP Foundation send 200 Dresses, Shorts and LOVE to kids in Uganda!
A $20 donation will cover transportation and delivery of one dress or shorts outfit to a child in need.
Dress A Girl has hundreds of dresses for girls ages 6 months to 10 years old. The MAAP Foundation has chosen Budini, Uganda for our next shipment.
- Each dress comes with a pair of underwear and a beaded bracelet.
- The younger girls receive a hand-sewn doll
- MAAPF Needs Shipping Donations!
We will send these dresses to Budini, Uganda to help clothe the children as our first initiative for The Mindy Project.
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The Dress a Girl Around the World ministry at St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church has quietly transformed lives for over a decade. Led by Sharon Rudy, Nancy McLinden, and Rita Gore, the ministry brings together a dedicated group of volunteers to sew dresses for girls in need around the globe, providing them with clothing, dignity, hope, and a tangible reminder that someone cares about them.
The Origins and Evolution of the Ministry
Dress a Girl Around the World is part of Hope 4 Women International, a 501(c)(3) organization established to empower women in Uganda. The campaign has grown into a global initiative to provide handmade dresses to impoverished girls, often in remote and underserved regions. “The idea is simple but powerful,” explains Rudy. “Every girl deserves at least one new dress in her lifetime, and this is our way of showing them they are valued.” Read more