Deacon Don’s Blog

Progress Updates on the Deacon Sheehan Kasese Clinic

The Kasese Clinic is making progress! Check back soon for more construction updates! Update 10.15.25  |  The walls are getting taller! Update 10.08.24  |  Brick walls are starting to grow! Update 10.01.24  |  Because of flooding and treacherous road conditions, trucks and construction equipment can not be brought in to help. The Kasese Villagers come…

Ruebe Family Sewing Academy

With a donation of $1000 from the Ruebe Family, three sewing machines costing 2 million Uganda shillings have started a sewing academy in Mbarara, Uganda. This second “Dress a Girl” mission jump-starts a friendship with 300 young Uganda girls. Each will soon have the opportunity to make and sell their own dresses. Microfinancing will be…

Our Lady of the Wayside’s Change for Change Campaign

In the heart of Uganda, in the district of Kasese, a small act of kindness has blossomed into something much greater than anyone could have imagined. At Our Lady of the Wayside School in the United States, a community of students, led by their teacher Joe Nigliazzo, set out to make a difference across the…

A Poultry Farm Begins

This is how a MAAP Foundation project begins. The Simple Process Often, $2500 is invested to build a poultry barn or livestock facility. When approved, a second $2500 investment is made in livestock feeding and care. Ultimately, eggs, chicks, or piglets go to market in a few months. Profits from the sales create a monthly…

Dress A Girl

Dress A Girl has sewn 300 dresses for girls ages 6 months to 10 years old Each dress comes with a pair of underwear and a beaded bracelet. The younger girls receive a hand-sewn doll MAAPF Needs Shipping Donations! We will send these dresses to Kasese, Uganda to help clothe the girls who have lost…

Deacon Pat Sheehan Maternity and Pediatric Ward Fundraiser

$25,800 IS NEEDED to help us build the DEACON PIERCE SHEEHAN MATERNITY & PEDIATRIC WARD for the St. Philomena Clinic in KASESE, UGANDA! The Kasese region of Uganda is a stunning mountainous area, but it is prone to mudslides and floods. The closest hospital is 40 kilometers away over terrible roads and terrain, making it…

Social Entrepreneur Teamwork

  I am Deacon Don Grossnickle along with my Uganda colleague nurse midwife Teopista Nakawundu we took our burning compassionate empathy for the struggling mothers and babies in Uganda and pursued forging an action social entrepreneurship team to effect change.  This team has set out improvising innovative ideas and testing them out all over Uganda. We fully intend to make strides conquering limited urgent care healthcare access for mothers and babies in Africa and across…

Ubuntu Collaboration Model

 The MAAPFoundation involvement in Uganda communities begins with being invited as a partner involved in a project of concern to local leaders. We resist being considered as a source of exclusively being helpful supplying external solutions. Instead, as members of an “alliance” we accompany local leaders in “problem finding” first to investigate issues and clarify underlying…

Mothering and Nurturing: A Life Force

  “ No revolution is possible if it has not first begun in the heart and mind.”  …….Camus In my journey of life I notice, that even among very young children a nurturing, a giving of hope, and sometimes a healing touch on behalf of another comes naturally. It brings joy. What touches me about…

Taking Care of Their Own?

 Sharing a “Buzz Report” produced by the MAAPFoundation that is situated in a village in Uganda’s Jinja region.  This Buzz Report shares an insight describing a “site visit” by MAAPFoundation team members as they evaluate the request of local leaders seeking a grant. Their grant proposal seeks $5000 invested by US donors. The grant proposes…

Mother’s Day 2024 Reflection


Pig Farming Saves Lives

 Over 20 small farms in Uganda funded 💯 percent by generous and compassionate US sponsors create a way to pay an urgent care visit to a private clinic offering charitable services to the poor.  Would you or I shut the door on a begging mother in need for caring for her sick child?. No, not…

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Doors open? Closed Gates?

  I can hope for healing that all who seek medical refuge might be welcome by a cheerful smile. To receive care like the woman in this photo will require more than $25 US which is out of the question for many. The reality of iron gates at private hospitals send a message: “come with…

Children Missionaries Organize Miracles

Dedicated Healthcare Workers: Quiet Heroes

 I go to Uganda everyday. MAAPFoundation’s 25 clinic staff have my heart as they struggle to save lives. This lab technician guides treatment of malaria. Thanks for supporting us. ❤️  Please: Visit our web site:

Microfinancing Works?

  Microfinance Builds Sustainable Healthcare Access in Uganda Villages  Ugandans are eager to have ready access to healthcare for themselves, their families and community. Local leaders working with entrepreneur support in the US are creatively improvising profit making enterprises to keep front local medical services available especially to vulnerable mothers and young children.  Ugandans know jobs are scarce and young and old must work to…

Improvising Miracles: Habitats for Healing

 Uganda East Africa presents herself with great beauty and is called, “the Pearl of Africa”. As I discovered her in 2013 during a vacation to witness the giving of a man’s life as a Catholic priest I learned more about both the external beauty of the land as well as hidden struggles of her people.…

Hope for Healing With Compassion

 Uganda artist portraying Blessed Mary the mother of Jesus. This stunning sculpture in Soroti village Uganda East Africa speaks to the world as an example of compassion. After the human death of Jesus Mary continues on doing His work.  Hope comes from healing and Uganda mothers as single parents carry the burden of a cross…

No Resting in Peace

 From the death of 22 year old pregnant mom Justine in her village in Uganda,-the  MAAPFoundation has partner/sponsored a poultry farm enterprise to offer the local clinic money to treat emergency cases like Justine’s. Local priest and her family visit graves. Newly constructed chicken coop from old materials.

Help Fill A Basket?

  On my last visit to Uganda the Mother Superior gifted me with two baskets. I asked friends to help me fill one with $5000. With the funds the sisters built a pig farm to gain profits to buy medicine for the poor. NowI am working on the other basket of $5000 to build another…

International Women’s Day

  Enjoy this witness of how the MAAPFoundation celebrated possibilities when women are supported in their struggle to rise out of poverty, hunger, malaria, being victim.

Working for Healing Habitats in Uganda

In 2013 we took to the streets begging to support the work of St Jude Clinic in Nakifuma Uganda. The lady pictured is Mindy Nigliazzo, her husband David, and one of their sons, Joe. Yesterday, Mindy was presented posthumously with the MAAPFoundation, Spirit of the Giraffe Award. Mindy used her God given gifts and talents…

Habitats for Healing

 Our mission aligns with the signs, wonders and miracle healing provided by God. How blessed we who serve are rewarded by thanks given by those too poor to provide payment.

School Children Build a Future

  Local fifth grade students work to raise $5000 to fund a start up project to benefit an Uganda village medical facility serving the poor. Can you help them reach their goal? See the kind of poultry project $5000 can finance.

Let the Children Come

 Traveling to our supported clinics in Uganda villages is such a joy. The welcome we receive is heartwarming. “Let the little children come into me and do not hinder them, says the Lord”. My mission especially is geared toward improvising conditions supporting mothers and children as they are so vulnerable.

Inspiration Leads to Improvising

 This 2009 photo in the Chicago Daily Herald asked for $15,000 donations so that Peace Corps volunteer, Megan DaPisa could build a computer lab in Kenya. I made a contribution. Importantly, I learned that setting out a big goal for a great amount of money could be reached. Today, I use the same approach asking…

Crisis Leads to Begging

 This priest is making a begging appeal to anyone who can see or hear his concerns . Will you help?

Iron Gates Keep Mothers Away

 At the entrance of many private healthcare facilities in rural Uganda locations are situated large iron gates that seem to guard the entrance. To whom are they meant to keep out? Inside clinics expensive blood and medicine can be given to those who can pay. Typically, complicated malaria fever can threaten the life of those…

Leaders Empower Hope

  Health Unit Management Committee in a meeting.  They appreciate the support froom MAAPF but specifically they thank  the Barry Family for the love for African mothers and children. The MAAPFoundation is invited by Uganda local village leaders who witness poor struggling mothers and babies without access to healthcare and mobilize to make changes within…

Mothers with Malaria

  What do you see in this photo? Do you see a mom huddled under a blanket during Uganda’s warm sun shivering with malaria fever? Her child on his own. She is too poor to afford medicine available from a store. Too poor to walk to a clinic that will turn her away because she…

Leprosy Today in Uganda


Facing Death Without Help

 This young mother received surgery in the clinic center created by US donors. The facility was built with $25,000 all contributed by small amounts by persons who believe they personally can make a difference saving a life in Nakifuma East Africa. The surgeon is Dr Ken who largely is a volunteer. The woman complained of…

A Life You Can Save Today

 Dr Kenneth and Mother Teo “Christmas Shopping” 2018 in Uganda with $3,000 largely donated by one man to honor his wife. He says: “The Life I Can Save” is within my reach. 50+ premature babies saved since. The  MAAPFoundation strives to pass along 100% of your donation. 76 year old nurse Teo over 50 years…

Local Livestock to Medical Care

  Every day our local community projects provide status updates proudly showing efforts to raise funds to provide emergency medical care for qualified mothers and babies in need. Father Zeddy in Mbarara sends a report to donor/sponsors. The goal is 3 patients a day can profit from urgent clinic care and not to turned away.

Pregnant Mom Bleeding Too Alone

  A bleeding pregnant Ugandan mom lives in a hut 2 miles walk to a clinic, no money to pay the minimum Catholic clinic charge for clinical services , no transportation to get 8 miles to government hospital except by motor bike that costs more than she has to pay. If she asks you and…

Malaria is a Crying Shame

Crying shame? Deadly malaria especially kills babies and infants. For $25, a blood transfusion and IV injected regimen of medication can cure complicated malaria invading brain and organs. I am inspired asking you to help me save someone.

Inspiration Comes from Tragedy

  One might ask what is the source of inspiration to keep working hard asking US donors to help create a sustainable charity fund in every Uganda clinic? Young Justine recently died in a Kyotera Uganda village struggling to give birth as she sought the assistance of a traditional birth assistant. Justine was too poor…

Life and Death Uganda

  A 22 year old Uganda mother and baby died in childbirth in a Kyotera village where the MAAPFoundation hopes to work. She died unable to arrange $21 for maternity clinic fees so she chose a traditional birth attendant for less than $5.00. She bled to death. Her coffin costs $21.00. How sad but motivating…

MAAPFoundation Saves Lives

 From our visit to a potential clinic in Uganda asking for our assistance: Our rep in the center of photo writes:  “On a sad note, that very day I went to do the site visit, there was a burial of a young mother aged 22 who had died while giving birth. The priest mentioned that…

Lady Liberty Stands Tall for Moms and Baby Healthcare

 The MAAPFoundation is for 10 years focused on liberty for mothers and babies as we pursue their right to essential healthcare. We are in solidarity with other global organizations that share the same values. I believe that all the people who accompany our projects are convinced of the importance of cultivating an altruistic state of…

Befriending Moms and Babies Uganda

 Since 2013 the US based MAAPFoundation has focused attention to the struggles of Uganda’s mom and baby access to urgently needed health care.. Study after study in Uganda and WHO point to the difficulties rural moms in particular encounter during pregnancy and experience after delivery. Great numbers of impoverished mothers in particular are underserved and…

Are We Social Entrepreneurs?

A social enterprise or social business is defined as a business with specific social objectives that serve its primary purpose. Social enterprises seek to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment, and the profits are principally used to fund social programs. The MAAP Foundation establishes small agribusiness farm enterprises while partnering being…

Mosquitoes and Malaria

 I spent many fearsome nights with mosquitoes infested with malaria in my 4 trips to Uganda. With meds I survived. My mission is for moms and babies too poor to find medicine. Will I return this year? ❤️

Global Mission Update Please check our our videos that show our work in Uganda

Deacon Don on Mission Sunday


Uganda Mama Kits Save Lives

  Profits from the MAAPFoundation sponsored poultry farm in Uganda provide, “mama kids” for pregnant mothers . In Uganda, women have to purchase and bring birthing and medical supplies as basic as gloves and a razor blade if they want to give birth in a hospital. For women living in extreme poverty, far from a…

Mbara Constructs Farm to Buy Medicine

 Every day reports come in from our clinic support projects in Uganda. Today in Mbara they build a small farm with $2500 you donors provide.  Soon livestock is purchased and later sold to purchase medicines for local clinic. We are increasing our clinics and soon care for 2,000- 5,000  potential needy mothers and babies a…

New Book: 10 Year Mission Trip Revisited

 Microfinancing is a way of life for 50 million people in Uganda East Africa. The people have taught me great lessons about what it takes to survive and thrive. This young boy has hustle it takes to bring in money perhaps for his family to exists and grow. How many times in my 75 yrs…

10 Years Serving For Good in Uganda


If we build it, they will come

 It might not look like much, but these materials will soon build a sustainable and profitable $5000 poultry farm in Uganda. The farm will serve the poor moms and babies in the local clinic. US investors like you and me share some money and derive purpose and meaning encouraging a community to care for her…

Uganda Farm to Medicine

  Typically 7 out of 10 moms and babies who come to our rural medical clinics cannot afford a $2. Fee. Without fees the clinic goes bankrupt. We started small local community farms to bring in sustainable funds to pay some of the fees. The idea of farming came from this old photo. Ugandans farm…

No Limits to Helping the Poor Obtain Healthcare

 Mother Teo, Everlyn and I proudly show off our most recent project: The Mother Teo Retail Pharmacy.  It is the latest entrepreneurial idea that has creatively become part of our “field of dreams” attempts to serve the poor in need of access to Medical services in Nakifuma village.  The US based all volunteer MAAPFoundation has stood behind…

Kids Helping Kids Go to School

  Today, Saturday morning garage sale organized by granddaughter. Proceeds she says will go to help a little girl in Uganda afford tuition for school this year.

Ubuntu Means I am Because WE Are

  These days many friends ask me when I am going back to Africa. I am currently undecided about dangerous travel to Uganda where a massacre recently killed many schoolchildren near our clinics. I tell everyone, I visit our 30 plus Uganda projects every day (by phone or email) I say: “We are “Ubuntu” connected,…

Saving 50 Million?

Bishop Christopher Kakooza from Lugazi Diocese                                     with Deacon Don Unafraid: Big dreams, Big Challenges. My friends are 14+ leaders in Uganda trying their best to save 50 million needing urgent healthcare. I love helping them. We as MAAPFoundation…

Call to Action Saving Lives

Tonight our MAAPFoundation Program Team reviews 10 projects that are proposed to provide a grant to support a Uganda healthcare clinic. One standout requests to start a small pig farm. $6000 has been raised and now we shall decide if moms and babies in this village will be saved through income earned by the farm. …

Microscope Miracle Starts a Movement

  10 years ago as a biologist/ tourist deacon I visited St Jude clinic in Uganda East Africa who are struggling to serve the poor. Immediately I noticed their rusty lab microscope was illuminated by a kerosene lantern. ”impossible” I said to Mother Teo, you cannot possibly diagnose malaria strains with this? She responded, “we…

Travel to Uganda

 Considering my next trip to visit 20 MAAPF Uganda supported medical care clinics we help for now 10 years. I may travel to our clinics in Kasese very near where visitors from all over the world are attracted to the mountains and trek to see the ever famous mountain gorillas. I thank US sponsors for…

Global Ministry As A Mustard Seed Adventure

Mothers and babies in Uganda beg for medical help and sometimes there are compassionate persons who hear their cries: One who heard my cries for help was Deacon Greg Kandra. He is a hero. Not very long ago US Deacon Deacon Greg Kandra allowed me to submit a guest blog to send out to his…

What can one deacon do to change the world?

 Deacon Don carried a donated ultrasound machine in his suitcase to St Jude Clinic in Uganda in order to assist midwives help mothers with breech deliveries. To readers: We would be so happy to hear from you. We as the US based MAAPFoundation 501 are at a great place of renewal and expansion. Our medical…

Years of Sustainable Progress

Pictured are 2023 health care workers from 10 sub parishes in the KKonge Catholic Parish. We are proud that after five years our collaboration remains strong in the ongoing fight against malaria. We congratulate Fr Denis for his remarkable sustained leadership. Caption: Uganda publicity: Fr Denis and US Deacon Don, co founder of MAAPFoundation. In…

Bringing Medical Services Closer to the Poor Ones

Photos from Sister Christine in Metchilda Masaka Uganda East Africa. We are reminded daily by our more than 20 projects that those who receive our assistance greatly appreciate the sacrifices of the sponsors. Our organization strives to insure that income from our startup agribusiness in the local community is profitable and monies are invested in…

Learning From Success: Uganda Remote Clinics

 Serving those who need health care in Uganda is a common ground work of our MAAPFoundation and an organization called: HAC. HAC is Healthcare Access Connect. Today via zoom we spent two hours investigating how we might work together to serve those who need care but are underserved. Deacon Don and Kasia Janus members of…

What can one person do to change the world?

  What CAN one person do to positively change the world for the better over a lifetime? What SHOULD a person SEEK to MAKE lasting change happen? Can a role model help show a unique pathway we adopt?  In Africa I witnessed a Mother Teresa type who as a nurse and founder of a clinic…

Expensive Lab Equipment Attracts Patients Who Can Pay for Services

  Donating a laboratory microscope and ultrasound machine represents a big turning point in the history of St Jude Clinic in Nakifuma trading Center location. The photo shows a remodeled facility proudly on display by Mother Teo the founder of the clinic. Way back in 1970 Nurse midwife Teo and her husband created a basic…

Chicken Feed Grows Eggs

So happy 500 baby chicks have started a small poultry microfinance start up farm in Nyenga Uganda. Soon with the $5000 invested by compassionate US donors eggs will be produced and sold for medical treatments. Our goal is to mentor village leaders to improve the local community’s ability to care for their own. Local villages…


Since 2013 a grassroots group of US inspired volunteers have mobilized projects directly benefiting rural impoverished moms and babies in Uganda villages who are refused access to urgent medical services. Rather than providing charitable handouts our US based 501 c3 non profit strategy invites local community leaders in partnership to pool resources and take the…

From Death to a Bitter Life in Uganda


Cows to Medicine Uganda: You Can Help

  What an idea? Invest in dairy cows to produce milk sold for profits that can pay for impoverished rural Uganda moms and baby unpaid medical bills? Note: microfinance is not a completely original idea as Heifer International has been lending livestock to give people all over the planet offering a gift as a helping…

Update: Uganda Tragic Murders Near Congo Border

  For 10 years Uganda East Africa has become a, “home for my heart”, and these past few days I have experienced a sad heartbreak. In 2020 I fell in love with the people of Kasesew villages located near the Congo border. I traveled there in 2022. I did’t realize, nor did the villagers realize…

Uganda Priest Becomes Chicken Farmer to Save Moms and Babies

Meet Fr Jerome Angelu-  Innovative Ugandan priest and helper’s vision engaging in sustainable profitable agribusiness chicken farming. His vision saves lives of local impoverished moms and babies needing urgent medical intervention. Now that is love!❤️ Microfinance Alliance is on the move starting 23 community building farms all across Uganda.

41 Friends Murdered in Kasese Uganda

  Very sad news to share as friends of Microfinance Alliance Africa Projects Foundation have been murdered by Congo rebels near our village clinical medical projects in Kasese Uganda. Some villagers were abducted. More news to follow.

Why Me in Uganda?

 Why Deacon Don chooses to work in now 74 current Uganda medical missions for 10 years of service: Uganda’s health care system is ranked 149th place out of 191 countries in the world by WHO.  The average facility cost per outpatient visit ranged from 6,525 Ugandan shillings (Ushs)2 ($3)3 at health center IIs to 72,529…

Help Feed our 10,000 Fish?

 Feed our fish? 10,000 Tilapia fingerlings are growing in our Uganda MAAPFoundation experimental fish ponds in Soroti Village. Fish sales will help us purchase malaria medicine for impoverished mothers and babies in our sponsored clinic. Fish food is expensive. $10 will help. Please?

Artwork Helps Save Mothers and Babies in Medical Distress

  Happy to share a photo of an art student in Uganda partnering with our MAAPFoundation Mother’s Day newsletter and appeal. We immerse ourselves in the community development. The village clinic is seeking a $5000 start up microfinanced small poultry farm grant from US investor donors as sponsors. Soon chicks will be sold for a…

Urgent Medical Care Requires Money

  Our MAAPFoundation is in the process of building a small microfinance startup piggery farm in Uganda with your $5000 donations. The sustainable profits will give urgent care access to these mothers and babies who cannot afford to pay. This is our 75th sponsored project since starting this mission in 2013. Will you please join…

Poultry Farm in Kasese Uganda: Take a tour as our farm earns money to pay for urgent care

 From start to market,-Our MAAPFoundation in Uganda starts a poultry farm whose profits pay for urgent medical care for impoverished mothers. The goal is $200 sustainable profit per month. Enjoy a tour. Each project starts with $5000 US donated. Please donate to start a new project:

Selecting New Partners in Uganda to Advance Access to Urgent Medical Care for Moms and Babies

  These photos tell the story of how our MAAPFoundation receives a proposal for a $5000 grant to start a microfinance small pig farm. The sustainable profit go to pay fees to buy services and medicine for impoverished moms who cannot pay. Our clinic partners carefully qualify moms to determine need. The $5000 comes from…

Top Uganda Pros help Select and Manage life Saving Projects

  Introducing our Microfinancing Professional Experts who help manage our current 12 clinic rescue projects and select/implement 12 new sites. Our mission is expanding medical care access for impoverished mothers and babies in the poorest villages of Uganda. They mentor the local farmers and assure highest yield on US donor investment while teaching agribusiness entrepreneurs…

3 New Clinic Projects Save 100 Moms/Babies Each Day


God is Alive Serving the Poor in Uganda

Father Pascal has a big jog job visiting and caring for young and old as pastor. The photos he sends come with a plea for help. He and I are excited about starting a small chicken farm. He can sell eggs to pay for medicine. He can sell eggs to pay a nurse to care…

MAAPFoundation On the Move With Your Help

  With God’s help and yours we are on the move. 35 Main MAAPFoundation Uganda Farm Start Up Community Development Clinic Rescue Projects 2013-2023 3 piggery farms 24 dairy farms 1 coffee farm I corn farm 1 beans farm 4 poultry farms 1 fish farm 10 Additional Farm/Clinic Projects In Planning 2023-2024

Fish Farming Buys Medicine and Urgent Care

Soon the MAAPFoundation and local village partners shall be ready for Tilapia and catfish to grow. This venture microfinance in Soroti Village in Eastern Uganda East Africa hopes to translate the profits into medicine and care for moms and babies for medicine and urgent care for those who cannot pay. Thank you for your generous…

Dollars Save Moms and Babies in Uganda

  The MAAPFoundation was founded in response to witnessing the crisis happening all over Uganda when impoverished moms needing urgent medical care are refused because they cannot pay. Our foundation is a US charitable 501 organization that uses microfinance to empower local village clinics to help struggling local women and babies. US sponsors invest generously…

Gratitude for Saving Uganda Moms and Babies

  As the signs portray the people from rural mountain village of Kasese who operate the Kyarumba Clinic express heartfelt gratitude to the memory of US Sponsors Alice and Michael Fay. It is through their generous compassion that a small poultry farm has been started. The profits earned will cover unpaid fees of mothers who…

Uganda Mothers Day Greeting


Many Births in Uganda Require Special Care

Many births among Uganda’s nearly  45 million person population require special care, or without help the mother or child might die. We who see the lack of accessible care for impoverished look at Mother’s Day with optimism hoping to improve medical care for the poor. We hope you see how much your generosity matters and…

Mothers Struggle Every Day

For 10 years we rally to the side of Uganda’s impoverished  mothers and babies in urgent need of medical care. For millions who struggle to exist our MAAPFoundation fights to give one more day of hope. We have yet to ease all their struggles. This is our medical mission focus. Thanks for helping us help…

Guest BLOG from Exodus Trekker Bob Schwarz

  Please check out the MAAPFoundation story as written by journalist Bob Schwarz. He is a true friend of our work in Uganda.

Deacon Accepts “Calling Within a Calling”

  Fellow Deacons: Show us the money? Please! I am begging for those begging for life. If the poor come to a Uganda clinic and cannot pay, they very often are turned way. How terribly sad and wrong.I never planned combining parish based ministry with serving on the staff of Bishop Listecki in Chicago’s Vicariate…

Near Death Experience Inspires

Remembering today , and most days since, unintentional medical malpractice nearly killed my wife and 3rd child during delivery. (1981) Accessible med staff rallied achieving a miracle as both survived. Today, as I witness medically vulnerable moms and babies abandoned in Uganda I often cry for them. Once, I was helpless to intervene, but now…

A year ago photojournalist David Klein and I were traveling all over Uganda visiting MAAPFoundation projects, old and new. For nearly 10 years our mission helps sponsors village based small farm projects organized to help pay for local impoverished moms and baby’s urgent medical needs. It feels so good trying to make a difference. Join…

Look What You’ve Done?

Just one year ago photojournalist David Klein and I filmed life saving surgeries all day in a $25,000 facility you US donors created. Each contributor, like David pursued supporting this surgical center serving impoverished women in Nakifuma Uganda East Africa. David says, “I went to film how Deacon Don and his band of friends create…

Discovering Personal Fulfillment

  A bit of an unusual blog today which is coming from Arenal Costa Rica. While on vacation I am thinking how inviting you to join our life giving work in Uganda may assist you in achieving personal fulfillment. Finding one’s purpose is a great treasure worth pursuing. That self discovery of connections of curing…

Girls stay in School Project Update

  Kasia Janus and Maapf making a difference with Girls stay in School Project. Orientation meeting at Kakone primary school   Trainers and the students of St. Egidio primary school. Trainers and the Parish pastor on ‘Reusable Sanitary Pads project’ orientation day. Sewing machine and Sanitary pad in progress Girls learning to make reusable sanitary pads  Liquid…

Happy Mother’s Day from Uganda

  olunaku lwa bamaama olulungi (Happy Mother’s Day in Ugandan )  Dear Friend of MAAPFoundation: Mother’s Day is special for the MAAPFoundation as our priority is to address the unmet urgent medical struggles of impoverished mom’s and babies. In rural Uganda we find villages where 75% of those who require medical assistance do not have the ability to…

Are You On A Mission? Join Us

Hi: I am Deacon Don Grossnickle,- the founder of MAAPFoundation almost 10 years ago. After 35 years in schools and 35 years as a Catholic deacon I cherish working to help friends in Uganda. It does not cost me to be on a mission. Instead, it pays! I am a happy volunteer. I have a…

Uganda Mothers and Babies Lack Access to Facilities

  Richard M Kavuma explains that the structure of the Ugandan healthcare system, and the facilities available in villages, work on a referral basis. If a level II facility cannot handle a case, it refers it to a unit the next level up. Services in public facilities are supposed to be free, but in many…

Untreated Malaria: A Crying Shame

  Crying shame? Deadly malaria especially kills babies and infants. For $25, a blood transfusion and IV injected regimen of medication can cure complicated malaria invading brain and organs. I am inspired asking you to help me save someone.

What’s Good about Good Friday Cruxifiction?

  So thankful as a Chicago deacon serving Ugandans. This impressive Good Friday gathering celebrates and recalls the passion of Christ. Seeing so many devoting themselves to walk great distances is inspiring. The photo comes from Fr Zeddy in Rubindi parish who is appealing to the MAAPFoundation for a grant to build a $5000 micro-financed…

Uganda Village in Soroti

Uganda has 45 million people spread over a large country. This is a remodeled building repurposed to become a poultry farm. This local Soroti village community was granted $5000 from donors to invest in agribusiness microfinance. The goal is profit and gaining experience. Profits pay for urgent care for impoverished moms and babies because you…

Uganda Throngs Celebrate Their Faith in God

This Palm Sunday gathering celebrates and recalls the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Seeing so many devoting themselves to walk great distances is inspiring. The photo comes from Fr Zeddy in Rubindi parish who is appealing to the MAAPFoundation for a grant to build a poultry farm. The future farm intends to earn profits…

28 Projects Save Moms and Babies

Report came in today from a new MAAPFoundation clinic project in Soroti Eastern Uganda soon ready to establish a poultry farm. Profits serve impoverished moms and babies. Since 2013 our US based donors and volunteers are invited by financially struggling clinics faced with turning away the poor. Donate at

Life and Death: It’s About the Money

As you consider an Easter donation help me lift up my mothers and babies in Uganda. For them it ” IS ABOUT THE MONEY to cure their malaria before it kills them. The cashier must get money or moms and babies are turned away. Can you spare $10 to pay for a clinic visit. Donate:…

School Kids Missionaries

How about a shout out highlighting Arlington Heights, Il, Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic school student council and Kasia Janus donating $1000. The mission was empowering a “Girl’s Stay in School Project” with Deacon Don Grossnickle working together in Kasese Diocese Uganda East Africa. Very proud of OLW students caring for others as missionary evangelists.

Tylenol Cyanide Murder Inspires Call to Action Uganda

Ambassador for Mapfoundation Kasia Anna Janus is telling her story that inspires her work with us in Uganda. An extended NBC story played in Madison her home town. Kasia will soon be speaking locally with  MAAPFoundation gathering a reunion among those that helped her and family cope.

Villages Reach Out Asking for Help

Every day MAAPFoundation receives appeals from over 1000 non governmental clinic serving 45 million people all across Uganda. Rural clinics like the one pictured have hopes of providing care for those impoverished and need urgent care. Donations build up so we can place a $5000 Agribusiness farm enterprise than can generate sustainable profits. Profits can…

Focus on the Plight of Uganda Moms and Babies

Mothers wait to beg to be seen at a local mountaintop clinic in Kyarumba village. They hope that even though they have no money to pay the staff will have compassion and serve them. Fortunately, a US based MAAPFoundation pig farm and poultry project produces profits that make some funds available so the staff can…

Celebrating MAAPFoundation in Kyarumba Village

 MAAPFoundation has started a pig and poultry farm enterprise in Kyarumba village to gain profits that fund the villages only medical care. Enjoy their happiness in meeting us from the US for the first time.

St. Jude Clinic Tour

 St Jude Clinic Tour Welcome to a tour of MAAPFoundation’s first and long-standing project: St Jude Level 4 surgery clinic. Nearly 10 year donor support transformed it from poverty to full community service and near independence.

Creating Start-Up Mini Farms Saves Moms and Babies

MAAPF Uganda is currently evaluating a proposal to farm cassava roots and going them to flour. The milling machine will make profits for the village clinic to offer medical services for impoverished moms and babies. Soon the  MAAPFoundation will have 20 farms donor-sponsors bring to life. Cassava doughnuts anyone? Please donate $5.00? Visit:  http:/


  Ubuntu Ubuntu is an African philosophy that means “I am because we are.” It denotes our interconnectedness; we depend on each other in ways, big and small. To reach our full potential, both individually and as a society, we must help others achieve theirs. I am because we are.

Healing the World: One Mom and Baby At a Time

  Do you consider yourself on a mission from God? I truly hope so because it is that important question and response that can prompt you to join us in our work in Uganda East Africa. 10 years ago I heard God ask me to look into seeing what I personally could do to save…

Welcome to Our New BLOG

Greetings and welcome to my very first BLOG on our new special news update web site. This will be a new adventure for both of us. I will keep things lively and share photos and happenings in my daily long distance encounters in Uganda East Africa. This mom and child are treated in one of…

Maapf Uganda

When I don’t travel to Africa,- MAAPF Uganda comes to me/us via photos and phone calls. A clinic in Mbara is asking for a $5000 start up to earn money for a farm to buy medicine. Today their humble clinic mobilized to reach those too far from the facility. Please visit our web site to…

Mother Teo – Uganda

Celebrate women! (Like Teo in Uganda) What a great story to share. Mother Teo fell as she brought a placenta to be buried and was severely injured. For 50 years as a midwife nurse she brought hundreds of impoverished mothers and babies through childbirth. Penniless, Teo needs a $1500 surgery. US friends who don’t know…

MAAPF Medical Mission Journey April 18-28 Chicago-Uganda East Africa

Urgent Alliances Mission Uganda 2022 – photojournalist David Klein and Deacon Don Grossnickle are traveling across the globe actively connecting with many people in Uganda concerned about growing improved community access for the poor helping them connect to urgently needed healthcare. The main mission of the journey April 18-28 is to continue building leadership alliances…

Group Presentations

Invite Deacon Don to speak to your group!

Don Grossnickle loves to tell the stories of the healing The MAAP Foundation is doing for women and children in Uganda. He is available to speak to church groups, classes, civic groups, and more!