girls wearing colorful dresses

Dress A Girl

Please help The MAAP Foundation send 200 Dresses, Shorts and LOVE to kids in Uganda! A $20 donation will cover transportation and delivery of one dress or shorts outfit to a child in need. Dress A Girl has hundreds of dresses for girls ages 6 months to 10 years old. The MAAP Foundation has chosen Budini, Uganda for our next shipment.…

Lwangiri Piggery

Lwangiri Piggery Project

A good part of each $5000 MAAP Foundation grant approved by the MAAP Board requires a facility. Generally, this means construction from scratch or remodeling. The host supplies the land. Next, blueprints, engineering, management, labor, and materials come together. Once the facility is approved by our MAAP Uganda Staff (on the ground), an additional $2500…